Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectively


D4.2 – Concepts and selection of innovative NOVIMOVE concepts

Executive Summary The NOVIMOVE project researches how to eliminate the inefficiencies in inland waterborne transport (IWT), by improving load factors, reducing sailing times and waiting times at ports, and the use of smart river navigation, without expensive modifications of the infrastructure. In the project, the focus is laid on the Rhine-Alpine Corridor (RAC) of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), while most results can be used and adapted for other waterways. The WP4 mission is to investigate to what extent innovative IW-vessels (IWV) can maintain profitable transport operations under low water[…]

D5.2 – Report on realisation of communication tools and website

Executive Summary This deliverable provides an overview of the realisation of communication tools of NOVIMOVE, including the website. The purpose of these tools is to promote the project and to disclose the project results to the stakeholders and the public at large in order to achieve maximum impact. A consistent NOVIMOVE project identity is created by means of a set of templates with a recognizable design. Communication platforms, such as the LinkedIn page and website, further support provisioning project information, press releases, photo’s, articles and other publications to the public.[…]

D4.1 – Detailed requirements for innovative vessel and cargo handling concepts

Executive Summary NOVIMOVE researches how to eliminate the inefficiencies in inland waterborne transport (IWT), by improving load factors, reducing sailing times and waiting times at ports, and the use of smart river navigation. In the project the focus is laid on the Rhine-Alpine Corridor (RAC) of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), while most results can be used and adapted for other waterways. The objective of WP4 is the development of new climate resilient vessel concepts for shallow water, allowing an economic operation during low water periods. Furthermore, a mobile terminal[…]

D2.4 – Development of the NOVIMOVE logistics innovations

Executive Summary As elaborated on in Deliverable D2.1, WP2 of the NOVIMOVE project has two main goals: Firstly, it deals with the development of the overall simulation model in which the different NOVIMOVE innovations are assessed. Secondly, WP2 also develops innovative solutions for enhancing the IWT container logistics. These developments are: Cargo consolidation function for enhancing containers’ load factors. This development will ensure the best possible load factors without exceeding container weight requirements. In addition, it will also ensure that cargo in the same container will have destinations as close[…]

D2.2 – NOVIMOVE transport model architecture and data collection

Executive Summary In this deliverable, the architecture of the NOVIMOVE simulation model is developed. In addition, the necessary data for the model is structured and collected. The system boundary for each of the actors was developed in D.2.1. In the same deliverable, also the required data needed for the model were identified. Finally, the first deliverable also developed the KPIs, which should be computed by the NOVIMOVE transport model. Based on these insights and requirements the first draft version of the NOVIMOVE model is developed. The verification and the validation[…]

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