Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectively

Testing of the NOVIMOVE Serious Game

The NOVIMOVE Serious Game has recently been thoroughly tested. The purpose of this game is to implement potential innovations, as researched by the NOVIMOVE team, in a virtual reality environment and to assess their potential impact.

These innovations include new vessel designs for low water conditions, a mobile modular terminal and intelligent systems for lock planning and route optimisation.

Two versions are being developed: one for students, which will lower the threshold for learning about port and 🚢ogistics operations for those students who are not necessarily involved in these specific port environments – but who have a link to them, for example because they are experts in transport modelling, supply chains or research into other modalities.

A spin-off of the game is aimed at industry stakeholders and will be released in due time. Those stakeholders will be able to get a clear idea of the extent to which the implementation of NOVIMOVE innovations translates into business operations figures, both environmental and financial.

In this video you will meet the developers behind the scenes, witness the first shakedown of the serious game and learn about the added value of the game from the first student testimonials by the test panel.

Interested in playing the NOVIMOVE Serious Game?
You can now register to receive information about an upcoming session via this link 👉

You will then receive an invitation to a dedicated serious game session for industry stakeholders.

Special thanks to Charis Christodoulou and Loghman Nanway Boukani from the University of Antwerp!

Testing of the NOVIMOVE Serious Game
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