Video update #5: Smart Shipping Event
Watch this video about the NOVIMOVE team during the Smart Shipping Event in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 2022 session.
Watch this video about the NOVIMOVE team during the Smart Shipping Event in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht 2022 session.
The NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways team members Rudy Negenborn, Edwin van Hassel and Louis-Robert Cool together with Michel van Dijk had an interesting panel discussion during the Smart Shipping Event 2022 in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht. The important topic of the link between Smart Shipping and Smart Logistics was discussed in an active exchange of thoughts between experts and the audience. Getting to know each other’s points of view is important since this is a prerequisite condition for further uptake of logistical innovations, including the physical and digital innovations that the[…]
Watch science in action with this event movie shot during the Transport Research Arena in Lisbon!
Looking back at a very successful appearance of the NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways team during the #TRA2022 in Lisbon! Thanks to Benjamin Friedhoff, Cyril Alias and Peter Shobayo for their fruitful dissemination efforts, sharing some important midterm milestones of the project with many logistical expert stakeholders who gathered from all around Europe in the beautiful Portuguese capital.
On the 20th of October, NOVIMOVE CEO prof. dr. Rudy Negenborn was invited to address the PLATINA3 inland waterway professional policy community on the challenge of automation in inland navigation vessels at the PLATINA3 5th Stage Event. His presentation and the video recording can be obtained through this link.
Members of the NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways work package concerning the development of Smart River Navigation solutions visited ‘Verkeerspost Nijmegen’. At this place, professionals from Rijkswaterstaat monitor and guide inland vessels on the important trajectory Millingen-Beuningen. Thanks to Henk Van Laar, MBA for sharing his vision on the state of affairs within the sector on this occasion. And a big thanks to Brian Vrijaldenhoven for his warm welcome and introduction to his team at RWS! Earlier that day, during the internal WP3 meeting, further integration of actual water[…]
Beginning of June, members of the NOVIMOVE work package on new vessel designs met in-person and took the opportunity to analyse the vessel configuration used for the model scale tests earlier this year. Click pictures to enlarge.
For the dissemination of academic publications within the NOVIMOVE context, a dedicated community on Zenodo has been created. Zenodo is a general-purpose, open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artefacts. Moreover, it integrates them into existing reporting lines to funding agencies like the European Commission and thus communicates with the EC Portal. The NOVIMOVE community on Zenodo enables our team to curate, export en upload relevant academic[…]
Watch the video update on model scale tests at DST featuring naval architect Sophie-Elizabeth Martens.
On the 2nd of June the midterm conference took place in Duisburg. It was a special occassion since it was the first time project partners and external stakeholders were able to meet eachother in-persons after two years of remote, online collaboration. The agenda as well as all presentations, including a photo impression can be found at the dedicated midterm section of the project website.
The NOVIMOVE project was present at the Maritime Industry Fair in Gorinchem. This fair is considered to be the largest IWT related fair in the Netherlands. After two years of COVID-restrictions, it has been a good opportunity to meet people in real life, raising their awareness on the variety of topics NOVIMOVE is dealing with. In November, the European TRA conference and fair in Portugal will be on the NOVIMOVE communication agenda. To be continued!
On Thursday afternoon the 2nd of June, our team will be organizing the midterm conference at the Wyndham Hotel in Duisburg, starting with a 12.00h lunch. Here you can physically meet the project team members and discuss with us our achievements so far. A great occassion to engage with stakeholders! An update of the programme will be released in due time. You can expect us to brief you on exciting new vessel designs, mobile port terminal, cargo reconstructioning, smart naviagtion systems, dynamic lock planning and new transport models: innovative ideas[…]
The NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways project partners are looking forwards to discussing some recent research findings in the upcoming Transport Modelling Stakeholder Meeting on the 25th of April. To reach the target value of a 30% increase in waterborne freight transportation, six main ideas are being developed and tested. Next Monday, you can learn more about these ideas and provide them with your feedback. The meeting is of special interest to container operators, logistic service providers, and vessel operators. Registration is now open, please use the form below.
Please enjoy our NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways second video update, shot at the recently held conference organised by the International Association of Martime Economists in Rotterdam. What does bringing science to industry look like in practice? Watch and see! Featuring Rudy Negenborn, Danitsja van Heusden – van Winden. Bilge Küçük Atasoy, Frederik Schulte and Edwin van Hassel.
From paper to practice: Technical University of Delft’s Peter Poot is taking NOVIMOVE vessel concepts for adding buoyancy to inland vessels to the next level! Several concepts are currently researched with the aim to develop solutions for the inland waterway transportation sector to deal with reoccurring low water levels. Performing these simulating runs in the laboratory, the computer simulation software, developed at MARIN within this very same H2020 innovation project, can be adequately validated. Results of the model scale test runs are to be expected soon. As we are[…]
An increasing number of innovations and policies are being developed to make freight transport more efficient, sustainable and adapted to the needs of society. These developments might have a noticeable influence on future activities of the European container transport sector. Researchers at Technische Universiteit Delft, working within the context of the NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways project, would like to open a dialogue with firms active in hinterland container transport in order to represent the needs of the sector better in these developments. In particular, the team is very[…]
NOVIMOVEs professor Edwin van Hassel, University of Antwerp and assistant professor Bilge Atasoy, TU Delft will be guest editors of the upcoming EEE OJ-ITS Special Issue on Innovations to improve the efficiency of inland waterway transport. Papers can be send until 30th of June 2022. In order to achieve successful intermodal transport operations, all forms of transport need to be coordinated so that transport capacity is utilized more effectively and the decisions are adapted to changing network conditions more easily. Inland waterway transport (IWT) represents a critical alternative in the[…]