Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectively

Visit to Verkeerspost Nijmegen

Members of the NOVIMOVE – smart & sustainable waterways work package concerning the development of Smart River Navigation solutions visited ‘Verkeerspost Nijmegen’.

At this place, professionals from Rijkswaterstaat monitor and guide inland vessels on the important trajectory Millingen-Beuningen.

Thanks to Henk Van Laar, MBA for sharing his vision on the state of affairs within the sector on this occasion. And a big thanks to Brian Vrijaldenhoven for his warm welcome and introduction to his team at RWS!

Earlier that day, during the internal WP3 meeting, further integration of actual water measurement services developed by CoVadem within the Smart River Navigating concept of the NOVIMOVE research project was discussed.

At the very same moment, low water levels on the Waal river led to a vessel being grounded near Nijmegen with – subsequently – a lot of attention being paid to this incident in Dutch national media as a result.

This makes the outcomes of the NOVIMOVE research products (accurate water depth monitoring, added buoyancy vessel designs) more relevant than ever!


Visit to Verkeerspost Nijmegen
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